Progress not perfection quote with flowers

A message from a recovering perfectionist.

Did the title grab your attention? If so, chances are you’re a bit of a perfectionist like me. I wanted to dive into this topic because I’ve been getting questions about my journey as an online entrepreneur and a big part of that journey has been overcoming perfectionism. So, here’s the deal: I call myself a “recovering perfectionist” because, since starting my entrepreneurial journey, perfectionism turned into a hurdle. It’s kind of amusing – I used to flaunt my perfectionist trait like a badge of honor. Having the highest standards sounded great. But, I realized it was holding me back. […]

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Jen Clarke interview Lorena Depante - Full time creative entrepreneur

My Entrepreneurial Journey through Zazzle; What helped me.

When I embarked on my journey to establish an online business as a graphic designer, I stumbled upon a game-changer: Zazzle*. This remarkable print-on-demand platform proved to be a goldmine for independent designers and business owners, offering seamless solutions for printing, shipping, and customer service. It was precisely what I needed to focus on my designs and other aspects of my business. Let me share how Zazzle has become a vital part of my entrepreneurial success and what helped me. While I was on YouTube I discovered Elke and Jen Clarke. They are Gold and Diamond sellers on Zazzle and […]

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Artist putting up watercolor art

How I became a full-time creative entrepreneur.

This is my first week as a full-time creative entrepreneur. I was inspired to write this post while all the feelings were fresh. I’m humbled by the early lessons and eager to share some points that might resonate with those who, like me, are venturing into the world of creative dreams. Perhaps you’re wondering why I decided to step away from a stable day job, one that was working well. It’s true, I had a great time in my corporate role, and I’m deeply grateful for the support it provided. Yet, a yearning for more, both for my family and […]

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watercolor leaves with quote "There's joy in the journey" lddesignloft

AHA, moments in my entrepreneurial journey

Walking a creative entrepreneurial journey takes guts, gumption, and heart. It’s been a few years since LD Design Loft came to be. No fancy ribbon cutting but I surely cut my attachments to fear & resistance. As Steven Pressfield would say: “The more important a call to action is to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we will feel about answering it.” I’m grateful I found the courage, I’m thankful for the transformation I’ve gone through. The permission I’ve given myself to explore and create, to find the courage to fail forward. Not everything has worked, but I learned a […]

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woman jumping wearing green backpack

Where do you get energy? How do you find time?

“You can spend an hour doing something you love and feel energized afterward and you can spend 30 minutes doing something that doesn’t feel expansive and drains your energy.” –  (Amanda Boleyn) Why do I love this statement so much? Other than confirming that doing what we love can bring forth super-human energy, these words give me so much hope. It also shows that there’s a difference between time and energy. As Amanda also said:“If you have the energy but no time, you’ll find the time because you’re inspired to do so. But if you have the time but no […]

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Business card stacks for different industries

Your Brand is more than your Logo – Show up for your business. – Get started.

I once heard that your brand is what people say about your business when you’re not in the room. Being in the industry of design and advertising for over 20 years, I understand this statement. They are referring to the reputation and perception that people have of your business or personal brand. This means that your brand is not only defined by your marketing efforts, but also by what others say about you based on their experiences with your product, service, or personal interactions. In other words, “the know, like, and trust factor”, your brand is not just about what […]

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Can anyone be a graphic designer. Flatlay photo.

Can anyone be a graphic designer? Questions Graphic Design Students have asked me.

During this coronavirus pandemic, working from home has become necessary. I’m fortunate that my line of work allows this. As a graphic designer, I have been able to continue working with clients and designing online. A lot of people have been exploring different careers that lend itself to working from home. Including graphic design. I thought I’d share this interview which I did with Ryerson University students in 2017. It was an honor to have been able to help Nate and Monica with this. They have told me that their professor now shares this interview with other students too. It […]

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Write the book you want to read framed wall art.

Write that book, start a blog, share your story. Find your voice.

As part of being a modern entrepreneur, you are called to bring forth skills you might not have used in a while. For me, writing is one of them. It may not be a book — maybe one day — but in the past few years, I’ve dedicated a lot of my blog stories to our children. I have this dream that they’d stumble upon it when they’re grown during a time they need it most. I pray that the heartfelt stories will help them and that it will remind them of these times. Remind them of what’s important. The […]

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woman sitting in front of macbook

A mindset shift to deal with overwhelm.

Overwhelmed? Read this. My husband is the chill voice that can often put things in perspective for me.  I recall a time when I was feeling overwhelmed … lots of things to do, opportunities, projects and ideas to tackle …I didn’t know where to start. I tell him about it and he’s the one that pointed out.. “The way I see it…you’ve got a good problem”… “These are answered prayers” He’s right! Of course, he’s right! What he said is just another reminder for me to be grateful. There truly are so many answered prayers, overwhelm can distort our perspective. The mess in […]

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