Lorena depante behind the scenes

What’s keeping you from pursuing your goals?

Over the past few years of pursuing my own goals I have had many conversations with family and friends. They’ve encouraged the spark they’ve seen in me.  I’ve been touched by your love and support. As I write this I want to hug you for allowing me to have this platform to share.  As much as I embrace the motivation, my husband noticed that I’ve been so quick to tell others to do the same thing. If you were ever on the other end of my excitement for you and got taken a back …well … I say “too bad”…(I […]

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amy porterfield entrepreneur experience agenda

Invest in yourself.

I was in San Diego for an entrepreneur conference and I think about it fondly because it was a milestone for my business. ✨ It was such a big decision for our family and investment in resources to make the trip happen but it really was worth it. I still recall that I almost didn’t go but an unexpected and timely set of funds arrived the day enrolment to B-school was closing. Coincidence? I think NoT! I knew I had to do it! Learning from the best and taking action brought me to a room of amazing people including Jasmine […]

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computer with time flatlay

My days off from the day job – was it productive? You tell me.

You see this week I had a couple of days off from my day job. Days off are awesome because you can plan your day the way you’d like. My trouble was I tried to cram so much in one day. Here was the plan:1. I wanted to get up and work on some products and marketing.2. I wanted to make the kids pancakes and be the best mom!3. I wanted some self-pampering and get my nails done.4. Pick up my youngest from pre-school and show him an amazing time.5. Do groceries.6. Clean the van.7. Clean my house so that it’s immaculate.8. […]

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How do you do it all? Office desk note with family photo.

How Do You Do It all? How do you do it well?

If you’ve ever thought about starting your own business. You likely find yourself talking yourself out of it. You have questions like “How do you do it all?” “How do you do it well?”

Well, at least that was the case for me. It took me several years to get started and it’s not like my responsibilities in life lessened. If anything it increased.

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How I started my online business; as a mother of four, Mompreneur

Mompreneur, who me? When I became a mother I looked at my baby and said to myself, “I want to be there for you, I want to be present in the moments that make you proud“. Since starting LD Design Loft, people have become curious about my experience in this new business. I’ve been interviewed by University Design students, online coaches and it’s a subject during coffee chats with close friends. I’m always so delighted to share my experience since it has been so positive. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no billionaire… well not yet ;). I’m still a work […]

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