Lorena depante behind the scenes

What’s keeping you from pursuing your goals?

Over the past few years of pursuing my own goals I have had many conversations with family and friends. They’ve encouraged the spark they’ve seen in me. 

I’ve been touched by your love and support. As I write this I want to hug you for allowing me to have this platform to share. 

As much as I embrace the motivation, my husband noticed that I’ve been so quick to tell others to do the same thing. If you were ever on the other end of my excitement for you and got taken a back …well … I say “too bad”…(I say that with love of course..:) ).

I get excited because I want everyone to feel the same joy. The joy in finding what makes them shine; what helps them grow and chase their dreams. I say it because I know YOU can. And if you’ve started, I’m the first to applaud you.

It doesn’t have to be a new business — though entrepreneurship is definitely a great self-development strategy.

Whatever it is, let it be a dream that supports your biggest “Why”. If you need help defining “your Why”, check out point #1 from my post, “How do you do it all, How do you do it well?”.

You will have many things that will talk you out of it. I know I’ve had my share. 

Here’s something that can help. I was listening to Jenna Kutcher and she did an amazing episode and post from her podcast. You really should check out.

She talks about objections we have that talk us out of our dreams.

I couldn’t agree with her more. When I look back in my own pursuits I can say it’s a lot about timing, the right mindset and action.


Here’s the thing, you’ll never find the right time, life happens.

When I look back I was blessed I was challenged long ago to write down my dreams. Seriously, dispell the notion that it’s cheesy or lame. 

Write it down on a notebook, in your phone, a Google doc. You won’t know your important goals if you’re not intentional. That simple act of clarity helped me years later.

You see, I get that we definitely go through seasons in our lives. People need us. We need to care for sick relatives or small children, but if you don’t have a balance you will end up feeling anxious.

This was pretty extreme during the newborn stages, so I get it! Thinking of anything else but my baby was unimaginable. 

My boys and I. A 4 month old and my 2 year old.
There are seasons. Acknowledge that.

I started realizing something was off when I would get upset when my husband would go out. I’d get upset when he’d meet up with friends or go to the gym.

I have nothing against these things for him, but it would brew and I realized it’s because I needed that too. To do things for ‘me’.

Do you know what helped? 

Admitting I needed a break.

Admitting that others can help.

Admitting that this was not my whole identity

People can’t read our minds. Even if we think we shouldn’t have to say it. Conversations have to happen.

I savor my time with my children and when I allowed others to care for me too I was a better person, mother, wife, and friend. The guilt I felt in wanting more we’re in the fear that I wouldn’t have balance. But balance can only be achieved with help from others. Please don’t forget to ask.


If you’ve ever said to yourself :

“What will people say?”

“What if people don’t like it”

“It’s too late for me.”

I want to say to you. You are worthy.

If you need a reminder here’s a wallpaper for your phone. Take a screenshot, save it, share it on social and let it be a gentle reminder.

you're worthy screen shot wall paper
Take a Screenshot, Share this on Social. Let it be a reminder.

I need this as much as you. I’m still growing and I know I’ve allowed comparison and other things to stop me.

I would compare with those who have done so much already. In each new thing I try, I keep reminding myself that my beginning can’t be compared to someone else’s highlight.

To have a beginning I have to “start”.

We all have unique God-given talents & gifts that need to be shared. No one else is like you. There’s room in the world. An abundance mindset definitely turned things around for me.

When it comes to my craft, I know I feared to put myself out there. For sure it’s from the fact that I want everything to be “perfect” off the bat…I would be too concerned about how other people will receive it. It can be paralyzing…but really… my art, my designs are simply extensions of me…it’s not all OF ME. Right?!

I once heard a conversation between Steph Crowder and Cathy Heller that really spoke to me. They said.

“…You have to be able to separate your sense of “self-worth” from the thing you’re creating …this gives you courage…it helps you improve…” Steph Crowder Click To Tweet


You have to take steps. Take action.

The steps we make are necessary for our dreams to come to fruition.

Just in-time’ learning is real.

You won’t know what you need to know unless you’re there doing it.

Not everything we try will be successful but there is success in learning more. In each thing you try, there is a WIN. Don’t be afraid to experiment.

We live in the best time in history where knowledge is in our fingertips. Your resourcefulness will become your greatest resource.

Believe me, taking action is how you get there. I have to remember this each day. For sure I have more dreams and more goals to pursuit.

So I echo the voice of my teachers, just like Jenna, take this as your permission. Permission to live a good life, serving others with your gifts and your glow.

Let your light shine!

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Posted in Behind the scenes, Entrepreneur life, family, Realizations, Wisdom and tagged , , , .

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