Progress not perfection quote with flowers

A message from a recovering perfectionist.

Did the title grab your attention?

If so, chances are you’re a bit of a perfectionist like me.

I wanted to dive into this topic because I’ve been getting questions about my journey as an online entrepreneur and a big part of that journey has been overcoming perfectionism.

So, here’s the deal: I call myself a “recovering perfectionist” because, since starting my entrepreneurial journey, perfectionism turned into a hurdle.

It’s kind of amusing – I used to flaunt my perfectionist trait like a badge of honor.

Having the highest standards sounded great. But, I realized it was holding me back. Years ago, I couldn’t even decide on a business name and logo. I just dropped the whole idea, only revisiting it many years later. Perfectionism led to procrastination.

Embarrassingly, it took a moment of frustration to kick me into gear.

An acquaintance announced their art director status, and I felt like I was being left behind. I recall the feeling of a surge of energy to propel me forward, it triggered a question: “How do I create opportunities for myself?”.

The answer? “Instead of waiting around for a promotion, let’s create our opportunities.”

At that crucial moment, I decided to take a leap and make things happen. Driven by a strong desire for a future where I call the shots and the dream of giving my family time, financial, and location freedom, everything started to click. It began with me putting together a simple portfolio website – a tiny step that ended up opening doors to new skills and unexpected business opportunities.

Sure, my inner perfectionist was still along for the ride, guiding me through research and homework. But this time, the journey didn’t stop at learning. I dove right in, putting my newfound knowledge into action, learning from every success along the way. What kept me going was finding inspiration in others who had been where I wanted to be. Seeing their achievements wasn’t just motivating – it made me believe that if they could do it, there’s no reason I couldn’t too.

I allowed myself to accept that completed B+ work is better than unrealized dreams.

Sharing my work on social media was frightening, but I took each post as an exercise in shedding my perfectionism. I was fortunate to discover using ‘print-on-demand’ as part of my business plan. This made the barrier of entry into entrepreneurship more manageable and it allowed me the freedom to experiment and play. 

Creative entrepreneurship demands a different mindset – it needed me to be more playful and adventurous, to be a student and even a scientist. Being a business owner challenged me to wear many hats and understand my personality not as a weakness but knowing the place it needs to hold in my life.

Embracing imperfection is not a sign of weakness but a testament to resilience and personal growth. As a recovering perfectionist, I’ve found that the pursuit of excellence is far more rewarding when coupled with self-compassion and a willingness to learn from mistakes. Remember, the goal is progress, not perfection. Take each step with intention, and you’ll discover newfound freedom in embracing your imperfections.

Now, I’m curious – how has perfectionism held you back from taking risks or pursuing new opportunities? What could you gain by embracing imperfection and stepping outside your comfort zone?

Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Posted in Education, Entrepreneur life, MIndset, Realizations, Tips and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

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