Jen Clarke interview Lorena Depante - Full time creative entrepreneur

My Entrepreneurial Journey through Zazzle; What helped me.

When I embarked on my journey to establish an online business as a graphic designer, I stumbled upon a game-changer: Zazzle*.

This remarkable print-on-demand platform proved to be a goldmine for independent designers and business owners, offering seamless solutions for printing, shipping, and customer service. It was precisely what I needed to focus on my designs and other aspects of my business.

Let me share how Zazzle has become a vital part of my entrepreneurial success and what helped me.

While I was on YouTube I discovered Elke and Jen Clarke. They are Gold and Diamond sellers on Zazzle and their story gave me hope.

Knowing that people have achieved being able to work full-time using their creativity inspired me to follow their journey. I started with their free content* and then signed up for their program*.

They got to know me and interviewed me back in 2018.

You can read my humble beginnings from this older blog post*.

My Why

My journey started with a powerful “Why.” I aspired to have more quality time with our young family while simultaneously fostering my own personal growth.

Four consecutive maternity leaves had a significant impact on our finances too. I wanted to help rebuild our financial stability, pay off debts, invest wisely, and transition into a full-time creative entrepreneur.

Zazzle perfectly aligned with this vision, but I recognized the need for guidance and mentorship to navigate the platform effectively.

Support and Encouragement:

My husband, ever the supportive partner, saw the potential in my Zazzle venture. He tracked my business earnings, revealing year-over-year growth that fueled my confidence. And he was so excited for me that he encouraged me to continue investing in myself. Hearing him say it out loud gave me more confidence, his support meant so much.

Do you need a course? Is mentoring and community worth it?

As I progressed on my Zazzle journey, I recognized the need for ongoing guidance and mentorship. I continued to be part of Elke and Jen’s community and with my husband’s support, I also joined the virtual mastermind retreat in 2020 (during the pandemic) that further enriched my knowledge and network.

Inspiration, Motivation & Sharing my journey:

When I first entered the online space, I drew inspiration from those who generously shared their stories. I was encouraged by the realization that opportunities beyond traditional employment existed, offering new horizons for personal and professional growth.

I was fortunate to be interviewed once more by Jen Clarke after achieving my dream of becoming a full-time creative entrepreneur.

Despite my initial nervousness about doing interviews, I’m eager to share my journey, hoping it resonates with and motivates others on their path to success.

You can watch the interview here to gain insight into my journey and other lessons I’ve learned along the way.

My Own Path to Success:

Over time, my dedication and the mentorship I received paved the way for my own success on Zazzle. It’s crucial to remember that success varies from person to person. I juggled my business with a 9-5 day job and a busy household. It was a slow, steady growth and I cherished the journey and the process of transitioning out of the corporate world.

The effectiveness of any course, mentorship, or program ultimately depends on the effort invested and the quality of questions asked. It’s worth noting that one’s mindset plays a pivotal role in any journey, and intentional, smart work can truly make a significant difference. Our family’s shared vision of our goals was a driving force in our journey.

To help you create a clear mental image, I’ve crafted a printable vision board. As I mentioned in the interview, when it comes to setting and pursuing goals, I prefer to consider all aspects of life, not just the business side of things.

This vision board is divided into three sections, each addressing different facets of life, including wellness, relationships, and business/career objectives. It’s a versatile tool that can benefit anyone, whether you’re an entrepreneur or not.

Download it instantly and subscribe to the email list. Click here.

Your Support is always appreciated:

I’m grateful to be a partner of Jen and Elke’s programs because of my positive experience.

If you’re contemplating taking the course that has been instrumental in my journey and want to support my business, use my links*.

As an affiliate*, you’ll help me sustain and grow my venture. I receive a portion of the sale at no extra cost to you. Your support means the world to me. Thank you!

Feel free to share this post with family and friends.

If you’re on Instagram come say “Hello” and follow along in my journey @LDDESIGNLOFT

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*Affiliate Disclosure: Some links on posts, videos, and endorsements may result in affiliate income earned but will not affect the price for you the customer. I appreciate your support and I hope the suggestions I make bring value to you as a consumer. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about any products and my experience with the company.

Posted in Education, Entrepreneur life, MIndset, online courses, zazzle and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

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