Jen Clarke interview Lorena Depante - Full time creative entrepreneur

My Entrepreneurial Journey through Zazzle; What helped me.

When I embarked on my journey to establish an online business as a graphic designer, I stumbled upon a game-changer: Zazzle*. This remarkable print-on-demand platform proved to be a goldmine for independent designers and business owners, offering seamless solutions for printing, shipping, and customer service. It was precisely what I needed to focus on my designs and other aspects of my business. Let me share how Zazzle has become a vital part of my entrepreneurial success and what helped me. While I was on YouTube I discovered Elke and Jen Clarke. They are Gold and Diamond sellers on Zazzle and […]

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Artist putting up watercolor art

How I became a full-time creative entrepreneur.

This is my first week as a full-time creative entrepreneur. I was inspired to write this post while all the feelings were fresh. I’m humbled by the early lessons and eager to share some points that might resonate with those who, like me, are venturing into the world of creative dreams. Perhaps you’re wondering why I decided to step away from a stable day job, one that was working well. It’s true, I had a great time in my corporate role, and I’m deeply grateful for the support it provided. Yet, a yearning for more, both for my family and […]

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watercolor leaves with quote "There's joy in the journey" lddesignloft

AHA, moments in my entrepreneurial journey

Walking a creative entrepreneurial journey takes guts, gumption, and heart. It’s been a few years since LD Design Loft came to be. No fancy ribbon cutting but I surely cut my attachments to fear & resistance. As Steven Pressfield would say: “The more important a call to action is to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we will feel about answering it.” I’m grateful I found the courage, I’m thankful for the transformation I’ve gone through. The permission I’ve given myself to explore and create, to find the courage to fail forward. Not everything has worked, but I learned a […]

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How do you do it all? Office desk note with family photo.

How Do You Do It all? How do you do it well?

If you’ve ever thought about starting your own business. You likely find yourself talking yourself out of it. You have questions like “How do you do it all?” “How do you do it well?”

Well, at least that was the case for me. It took me several years to get started and it’s not like my responsibilities in life lessened. If anything it increased.

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