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Making your own luck. Finding your opportunities.

Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity

– Seneca

Do you believe that? When I first heard that quote, it really resonated with me.

I believe my entry into the online marketing space was years in the making.

I officially launched LD Design Loft a few years ago, but I do believe it only came into fruition when I was prepared and took massive action.

Let me explain. My husband purchased a new MAC computer for me in 2010. Being a professional graphic designer he always believed I should create something on my own.

I didn’t see what he saw at the time; just saw the hurdles and the red tape.

I even recall saying,

“What if I made money, I’d have to worry about taxes!”

He then proceeded to say…”Well then, let’s pay taxes!”

Silently I would then say to myself, “What if I make a mistake? What about the legal stuff? I don’t know enough..”

Needless to say, all the self-doubt led to the MAC only being used as photo storage and the occasional pro-bono projects.

But, as our family grew I found myself dreaming and I started to wonder… “Maybe I should?!… If not for me, for them!”

If you don’t know my story, we have four children and I took my maternity leaves pretty much back to back. I love seeing our children grow, the moments with each is a time I truly cherish. I wanted to create opportunities that would allow more time with them.

Professionally, I felt stale in my own craft, I was away from designing for too long. I saw other friends and colleagues passing me by.

So on my fourth maternity leave, I made a point to challenge myself by creating my own portfolio/brand website — LD DESIGN LOFT. It was through this forward motion that I found some luck. My MAC was finally put to work.

I had realized I knew more than I led myself to believe. I had a design agency background and corporate experience. I’ve led teams and major accounts. I’m passionate about my work so why can’t I put the same passion and care for my own brand.

If I was, to be honest with myself, my fear of being less than perfect was overshadowing the things I did know. It was more comfortable pretending I couldn’t do it than having the guts to put myself out there.

I’m fortunate I took the steps, I realized I was more prepared than I thought. It energized me to piece things together.

As luck would have it, I discovered I’m able to license my designs through partners, print on demand sites, and sell my digital products online. Why didn’t I know about this before? It was so different than one on one client work, the heaviness I felt about starting a business was lifted.

What is this new world?

With every YouTube tutorial, blog post and encouraging testimonials I found, it excited me to see the possibilities.

I finished my website and found my direction. Instead of freelancing, I was ‘free to design’ with the world wide web extending my reach.

I had thought there was only one way to gain clients as a graphic designer, the limits I had put on myself have now been smashed.

My journey brought me to open shops on Zazzle and Etsy. It allowed me to win challenges on Minted and the bonus of getting a design on Pottery Barn Kids.

I share this, in hopes of inspiring you.

It’s easy to prevent ourselves from growing. We can have every possible advantage, tool and resource but without the right steps and preparation it would be hard to see the opportunities. Our fears can hinder us from moving forward.

I do believe we need to be grateful for where we are, but we also can’t be afraid to improve and do better.

It helps to clearly define where you can develop, define a strong reason to pursue a dream, from there you can choose the path that aligns with your vision.

We live in an innovative time in history. Don’t you agree?

Comment below what new opportunities you discovered in the last few years? What aha moments have you had? Has it helped you become a better version of yourself? Show the world how bright you can shine. Bet on yourself!

Posted in Entrepreneur life, feel-good stories, MIndset, Realizations, Tips, Wisdom and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

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