woman jumping wearing green backpack

Where do you get energy? How do you find time?

“You can spend an hour doing something you love and feel energized afterward and you can spend 30 minutes doing something that doesn’t feel expansive and drains your energy.” –  (Amanda Boleyn)

Why do I love this statement so much?

Other than confirming that doing what we love can bring forth super-human energy, these words give me so much hope. It also shows that there’s a difference between time and energy.

As Amanda also said:
If you have the energy but no time, you’ll find the time because you’re inspired to do so. But if you have the time but no energy, you’ll be stuck and sluggish.”

I can attest to this since I’ve had many moments where I find myself getting up as early as 4 a.m. to work on something that’s inspired. And on the flip side, I’ve sat through a 15-minute negative conversation with someone that has left me depleted and unmotivated. I may have had my whole day ahead of me but with no desire to proceed.

Now the question is, how do we find inspiration? How can you manage your energy?

Inspiration can energize us, but for me, that inspiration can’t really come if I haven’t filled my days with the right things.

For me, “resistance” to doing the work has more to do with the mind. The resistance I feel piles up when I haven’t put effort into the other areas that need love.

When I feel empty or if I haven’t filled someone else’s cup it’s hard to create. I focus on negative things or fear.

I have found that there are things in my life that can either drain or enhance my energy. See if you can add to this list below.

1. People

I make a point to surround myself with the right people. I’m very selective of who I confide in and I make sure that I can trust their advice. I have sought out mentors and fellow business owners. I’m part of community life, in business, and in my faith, I understand the value of being around a positive environment.

2. Nutrition

I need more work in this area, but I have noticed that nutrition has played a role in providing the right energy. The sugary snacks might give me a jolt but I have noticed that making better choices with my meals has an added bonus.
I love food and it’s part of a lot of happy celebrations, so I wouldn’t want you to deprive yourself of the joy it brings, but I know changing my daily habits surrounding food, has lasting effects.

I admit it’s not so easy but reaching for the greens and opting for a refreshing jug of lemon water vs. the soda is a step in lifting the fog.

3. Movement

I’m guilty of sitting far too long in front of my computer, lately I have a buddy that reminds me to get up and move. Our dog, Biscuit, seems to have a sense when it’s time for a walk. I know, I know, he just wants to go outside, but I think he can also tell when mama needs a break and needs to move. You might have heard it before, but truly “Move your body, change your mind.”

Lately, I’ve been using the app called FitOn. I have a tendancy of getting bored with exercise, so I like that this has a variety of instructors and workouts. Plus I was able to start with it for free until I knew I really liked it.

No matter how you get moving, know that the effects of getting your blood flowing can bring forth newfound wells of creativity and inspiration. Try it next time you’re stuck. Get moving!

4. Media

I love to binge-watch as much as anyone….Did someone say “K-Drama”? 😉

I’ve also found myself going deep into the social media rabbit hole. But if you have a desire to reach your dreams and goals, sacrifices have to be made, and some indulgences can wait. It’s ok to unwind to enjoy these things, but there has to be a limit.

I try very hard to filter what I consume. A few tips would be to detox your social media feed and opt to listen to self-help podcasts. Take care of what you read and watch, you’ll notice a difference.

5. Rest

I know my bad temperament when I don’t get enough sleep. Getting rest makes sense in energizing you since we need time to recharge. I found that when I commit to getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep, I don’t even need my alarm. My body welcomes the morning so that I can get started on the important work I’ve set out to do.

6. Mindset

You might have observed that all of these tips have a common theme. It’s about caring for your mindset. This post is really about protecting your mind so you can do the work you need. Taking time to reflect, meditate and pray is a big part of my life. Starting my day on the right foot and changing my vocabulary from “I have to…” into “I get to…” can really flip the switch.

Overall, you need to be at peace and balance in your relationships and daily habits. I make an effort to improve on each, one day at a time.

So when you get that burst of energy, don’t let it pass. Go with it, you’d be astounded at how well you make use of time when you tap into inspired energy.

I hope you find these tips helpful. I’m a constant work in progress so I’d love to hear what other tips you also have. Comment below and share this post.

Posted in Entrepreneur life, MIndset, productivity and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

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