Julia splashing in the ocean, sand and beach.

Do you dare to dream?

Some day I’d love to take the whole family on a vacation and see our kids splash in the ocean and play in the sand. Since my youngest was born we haven’t been.

Do you have a dream board? Well I do. It hangs on our bathroom wall. I see it every day.

This is one of my dreams. I also have other things on there.

One in particular jumped at me a few months ago. It was “To give more”

We had planned for our family vacation in October for our 10th anniversary but it seemed like it wasn’t time. We had to postpone it…funny thing is, I thought I’d be way sadder. What a blessing to have had the realization that there were other goals on our family list that meant more. That made more of an impact.

Like giving more to causes and helping extended family too.

Sometimes you think some dreams are delayed but it actually means some dreams have been brought sooner. It was just up to us to decide.

I’ve seen the power of visualizing our dreams. It doesn’t have to be fancy.

Write them in a journal, create a Pinterest board, start now!! – You’d be surprise how hard this can be. I figured out why that is, it’s because we don’t give ourselves permission to dream.

As if it’s too audacious and we make excuses right away.

Give it a try. Better yet, as Rachel Hollis often suggests, write it down as if it’s already happened.

Instead of “I want to be fit and healthy”… say “I am fit and healthy”

I wrote 7 dreams down 10 years ago. I found this old journal recently and I was happy to see that a lot have been fulfilled; some in better ways than I expected.

For example, I had on there that I wanted to design as a freelancer. It’s refreshing to know now that being a freelancer wasn’t exactly what I needed to be.

Being Free to Design is a better dream. The deeper dream is to learn and create my own way. As you may know, I now have my designs offered from my online shop. I keep working on projects I love.

This brought me closer to other dreams that involve being present for my family. Timing is everything! I realized that writing it down is the first step, knowing what you want and why you want it is necessary. The bigger “why” is what will fuel your heart. Reverse engineer what you need to do to make your dream a reality.

Since I quoted Rachel Hollis, I’d like to direct you to a wonderful podcast I was listening to the other day. I hope you find inspiration in it too. I’m participating in her 90 day challenge, to complete the tail end of the year with a bang! Listen to ithere.

I had the privilege of meeting Ms. Rachel during her book signing for “Girl Wash your Face”. I have been inspired by this woman and what she has accomplished and shared with other women. We’re pretty similar as mother of 4 children and passionate about helping others with the platforms we have chosen. I have loved her encouragement that we are “Made for More”, it’s my honor to introduce her to you if this is the first you’ve heard of this amazing soul.

Lorena Depante meeting the inspiring Rachel Hollis at her book signing for

Lorena Depante meeting the inspiring Rachel Hollis at her book signing for “Girl Wash your Face.”

Do you have dreams you can make happen now? Feel free to comment below, I’d love to hear about it. And if you have other inspiring authors and speakers you’d like to share, please feel free. 

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