succulent plants with iphone case with watercolor leaves

3 Essential Tools for the beginner watercolor artist – (Bonus: How I digitize art and shoot process videos)

I’ve been getting some positive feedback whenever I would paint with my watercolors or illustrate on my social media channels. It’s so fun to know that you enjoy the process as much as I do. Some people have been asking what I use. I thought it would be easier to compile what I’ve found helpful in a post. This video should give you a summary of the process. The #plantmom phone case from the video is a product that I created for our online shop. It can be purchase here or by clicking on the image. The right tools can […]

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Mom with four kids

A decade of motherhood. “Aha” moments.

“I’ve been around for a decade” …that’s what Julia said to me about her 10th birthday! ✨ I had to sit on her phrase for a minute. That also means I’ve been a mother for a whole decade too. I thought it would be fun to share my “AHA” moments for each year. Here goes…   Year 1 Babies poop. 😆 and diapers leak. I learned that onesies have those special slits by the shoulders so you can slide them down to avoid getting poop on baby’s hair. 👍🏼 Year 2 My picky eater will try food if you pretend […]

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DIY Christmas Word Banners

View the tutorial video above. What you will need: Scissors 1 hole punch glue stick pencil yarn or jewelry cord (we used a metallic stretch cord from a dollar store) black bristol board Christmas Word Banner Template* *Access the template and it would be amazing if  would consider signing up to our free email newsletter.  Click here. By providing your information  you confirm you have read & agree to our Privacy + Terms. Step 5: Punch holes on the top left and top right corners of the flag. If you like this post we hope you share it with your friends.

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