watercolor leaves with quote "There's joy in the journey" lddesignloft

AHA, moments in my entrepreneurial journey

Walking a creative entrepreneurial journey takes guts, gumption, and heart. It’s been a few years since LD Design Loft came to be. No fancy ribbon cutting but I surely cut my attachments to fear & resistance. As Steven Pressfield would say: “The more important a call to action is to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we will feel about answering it.” I’m grateful I found the courage, I’m thankful for the transformation I’ve gone through. The permission I’ve given myself to explore and create, to find the courage to fail forward. Not everything has worked, but I learned a […]

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Like a boss office space

10 tips for Entrepreneurs…and moms

As a wife & mother of four who started a small business a few years ago, I get this question a lot “What are some of the best tips you can give as an entrepreneur and mom?” The question comes in many forms and I understand why they add the mom part. There are additional challenges and mindset blocks that come up when you’re a mother. #Momguilt is real. Here’s a list of Top 10 that has helped me so far. I also want to point out that we all go through different seasons of life and motherhood. We can’t […]

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How do you do it all? Office desk note with family photo.

How Do You Do It all? How do you do it well?

If you’ve ever thought about starting your own business. You likely find yourself talking yourself out of it. You have questions like “How do you do it all?” “How do you do it well?”

Well, at least that was the case for me. It took me several years to get started and it’s not like my responsibilities in life lessened. If anything it increased.

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How I started my online business; as a mother of four, Mompreneur

Mompreneur, who me? When I became a mother I looked at my baby and said to myself, “I want to be there for you, I want to be present in the moments that make you proud“. Since starting LD Design Loft, people have become curious about my experience in this new business. I’ve been interviewed by University Design students, online coaches and it’s a subject during coffee chats with close friends. I’m always so delighted to share my experience since it has been so positive. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no billionaire… well not yet ;). I’m still a work […]

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