watercolor leaves with quote "There's joy in the journey" lddesignloft

AHA, moments in my entrepreneurial journey

Walking a creative entrepreneurial journey takes guts, gumption, and heart. It’s been a few years since LD Design Loft came to be. No fancy ribbon cutting but I surely cut my attachments to fear & resistance. As Steven Pressfield would say: “The more important a call to action is to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we will feel about answering it.” I’m grateful I found the courage, I’m thankful for the transformation I’ve gone through. The permission I’ve given myself to explore and create, to find the courage to fail forward. Not everything has worked, but I learned a […]

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amy porterfield entrepreneur experience agenda

Invest in yourself.

I was in San Diego for an entrepreneur conference and I think about it fondly because it was a milestone for my business. ✨ It was such a big decision for our family and investment in resources to make the trip happen but it really was worth it. I still recall that I almost didn’t go but an unexpected and timely set of funds arrived the day enrolment to B-school was closing. Coincidence? I think NoT! I knew I had to do it! Learning from the best and taking action brought me to a room of amazing people including Jasmine […]

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