watercolor leaves with quote "There's joy in the journey" lddesignloft

AHA, moments in my entrepreneurial journey

Walking a creative entrepreneurial journey takes guts, gumption, and heart. It’s been a few years since LD Design Loft came to be. No fancy ribbon cutting but I surely cut my attachments to fear & resistance. As Steven Pressfield would say: “The more important a call to action is to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we will feel about answering it.” I’m grateful I found the courage, I’m thankful for the transformation I’ve gone through. The permission I’ve given myself to explore and create, to find the courage to fail forward. Not everything has worked, but I learned a […]

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computer with time flatlay

My days off from the day job – was it productive? You tell me.

You see this week I had a couple of days off from my day job. Days off are awesome because you can plan your day the way you’d like. My trouble was I tried to cram so much in one day. Here was the plan:1. I wanted to get up and work on some products and marketing.2. I wanted to make the kids pancakes and be the best mom!3. I wanted some self-pampering and get my nails done.4. Pick up my youngest from pre-school and show him an amazing time.5. Do groceries.6. Clean the van.7. Clean my house so that it’s immaculate.8. […]

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