How I started my online business; as a mother of four, Mompreneur

Mompreneur, who me? When I became a mother I looked at my baby and said to myself, “I want to be there for you, I want to be present in the moments that make you proud“. Since starting LD Design Loft, people have become curious about my experience in this new business. I’ve been interviewed by University Design students, online coaches and it’s a subject during coffee chats with close friends. I’m always so delighted to share my experience since it has been so positive. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no billionaire… well not yet ;). I’m still a work […]

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This could be the start of a love for writing.

In grade 6 I had the most wonderful teacher, her name was Mrs. Stewart. One thing I recall was how she got us writing in our own journals.  She wrote back encouraging fun notes, and rewarded us with cool unique stickers.  Bubble gum scented, glittery and even fuzzy animal ones too. Stickers are LIFE don’t you know! As a teenager I came across that grade 6 journal and started writing for myself this time. I found it brought dreams and goals to life, it helped me visualize reflections and insights that I never knew I had. Believe me when I […]

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