Rustic wood grain tree slice wedding invitation by Lorena Depante at LD Design loft

Affordable Wedding Invitation Options in one place.

I discovered that one of my best-selling wedding invitations was featured on the Woman Getting Married blog.  The helpful article shares affordable options for your wedding invitation and Zazzle, where I license my designs, is part of their top choices. It’s true, a site like Zazzle allows you to use creations from professional designers and artists, like myself. I enjoy creating and sharing our work.   Since that article was posted, Zazzle has enhanced its options and capabilities. I’ve always been impressed by what Zazzle has to offer, I wish I knew about it when I was getting married a few […]

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Business card stacks for different industries

Your Brand is more than your Logo – Show up for your business. – Get started.

I once heard that your brand is what people say about your business when you’re not in the room. Being in the industry of design and advertising for over 20 years, I understand this statement. They are referring to the reputation and perception that people have of your business or personal brand. This means that your brand is not only defined by your marketing efforts, but also by what others say about you based on their experiences with your product, service, or personal interactions. In other words, “the know, like, and trust factor”, your brand is not just about what […]

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succulent plants with iphone case with watercolor leaves

3 Essential Tools for the beginner watercolor artist – (Bonus: How I digitize art and shoot process videos)

I’ve been getting some positive feedback whenever I would paint with my watercolors or illustrate on my social media channels. It’s so fun to know that you enjoy the process as much as I do. Some people have been asking what I use. I thought it would be easier to compile what I’ve found helpful in a post. This video should give you a summary of the process. The #plantmom phone case from the video is a product that I created for our online shop. It can be purchase here or by clicking on the image. The right tools can […]

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Can anyone be a graphic designer. Flatlay photo.

Can anyone be a graphic designer? Questions Graphic Design Students have asked me.

During this coronavirus pandemic, working from home has become necessary. I’m fortunate that my line of work allows this. As a graphic designer, I have been able to continue working with clients and designing online. A lot of people have been exploring different careers that lend itself to working from home. Including graphic design. I thought I’d share this interview which I did with Ryerson University students in 2017. It was an honor to have been able to help Nate and Monica with this. They have told me that their professor now shares this interview with other students too. It […]

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Kind People are my kinda people poster

Kind People are my Kinda People

I read this phrase one time “Kind People are my kinda people”, it made me smile. Aside from being clever it was so sweet. It got me thinking about kindness, how it’s a simple but profound gesture that can change lives.

It reminded me when I was in grade school. We just moved to a new school and I remember that would find my little brother at recess to make sure he was ok. He was only 5 years old at the time and I was 10.

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computer with time flatlay

My days off from the day job – was it productive? You tell me.

You see this week I had a couple of days off from my day job. Days off are awesome because you can plan your day the way you’d like. My trouble was I tried to cram so much in one day. Here was the plan:1. I wanted to get up and work on some products and marketing.2. I wanted to make the kids pancakes and be the best mom!3. I wanted some self-pampering and get my nails done.4. Pick up my youngest from pre-school and show him an amazing time.5. Do groceries.6. Clean the van.7. Clean my house so that it’s immaculate.8. […]

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Black and white mom and baby

Dear mom, I get it now.

I get it now… Why when we were little, you seldom bought anything new for yourself — your children, on the other hand, always seem to have what they need. I get why you taught us to appreciate what we have, to work smart, and be wise with our money. I get why there seems to always be a piece of cake for me and why you pretend you didn’t need it. I get why you instilled in us the importance of prayer and faith in God, especially when raising a family. For this and many more, thank you! What […]

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